Tish Oney -- www.tishoney.com
Talented vocalist represents a fresh, new voice in jazz.
Peggy Duquesnel-- www.peggymusic.com
Vocalist & keyboardist. A musician of stunning
range and complexity.
and the T-Bones -- www.jukejoint.com
A Rockin' Blues Band from Los Angeles! Check 'em out!!
Bodacious Records -- www.bodaciousrecords.com
Home of blues violist - Jimbo Ross and Celtic Rock band
- Sally's Gap.
Eldad Tarmu -- www.flying-south.com
Rhombus artist Eldad Tarmu's web site with Real Audio
of all tracks and reviews.
johnnyjazzs jazz page -- community-2.webtv.net/johnnyjazz/johnnyjazzsjazzpage
Jazz news and reviews from the California coast, jazz
bios, photos, anecdotes, jazz humor
Lorraine Feather -- www.lorrainefeather.com
Lorraine Feather,Jazz singer/lyricist, new Cd, "New
York City Drag" , on Rhombus Records
Chris Bennett -- www.chrisbennett.com
Grammy Nominated singer/song writer's new CD "Until
The End Of Time" on Rhombus Records.
Stu Goldberg Studios -- www.stugoldberg.com
Stu Goldberg Studios, website for composer, pianist,
producer, arranger, orchestrator, studio owner, recording
engineer Stu Goldberg. "Going Home" on Rhombus Records,
is Stu's latest CD.
Donald Rubinstein -- donaldrubinstein.com
Songwriter, Poet, Musician, new CD TIME AGAIN on Rhombus
Rick Bozzo, Bass Player -- home.earthlink.net/~endlessprod/bozzo.html
Rick Bozzo "Meatloaf & Me"
Tony Adamo -- www.jazznow.com/Adamo/adindex.html
Web page for Singer/songwriter Tony Adamo
Markato Music -- www.markatomusic.com
Mark Chosak, Guitarist with the Street Smart Band and
Pretzel logic.
Drew Nelson -- drewnelson.ottawamusicscene.com
More blue than you can shake your mojo at! Features
lots of bluesy fun like Drew's Cool Blues Foods and
free bluesy downloads!
Get A Taste of the Bluez! -- hometown.aol.com/billyjonesbluez/page4.html
REAL underground music from new generation Bluez Artists.
Passion for Jazz! -- www.apassion4jazz.net/
History of Jazz music origins, styles and musicians
featuring photo gallery, timeline, festivals, webcasts,
piano chords, scales, online lessons and music teacher
locator. |